Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Little green eyes

Hi everyone! At last Cupid has found his love, a pretty little green eyed dragon and I have found some different colored ultra suede! I hope everyone has a happy Valentines Day tomorrow and a great weekend!
   Hugs- Heidi

The white ultra suede wings are really bright!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Keeper of the Castle

 Hi there everyone! Today I went to the outback with my sister and got a blooming onion, afterwards we stopped by at the craft store just to browse and I ended up bringing home an entire castle! I also found a little treasure chest which I stained a darker color and then painted. I cannot wait to start painting the dragons new home next!
  Hugs- Heidi

A few more dragons, some paint, and then this thing will look great!

I forgot to take a picture of the chest before I painted it
so I found a picture of one similar.

A dragon egg nearby that I am working on.

You can't see the little map too well here in the picture but
I spent a long time letting it soak in tea, and then I burned the
corners to give it an "older" look. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Valentines Day Dragon

 Hey there Bloggers! It's almost Valentines day and Cupid has been searching for love in all the wrong places! This little dragon is 3.5 inches long and has a wingspan of just 4 inches. I had lots of fun taking the pictures I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
  Bear & Dragon Hugs- Heidi

Cupid looking at my German Shepherd Dante.

Autumn seems a little annoyed by the little romeo. 

Time for a nap.

Back to the search!

Cupid is wondering what could be in that cup?

Not much! 

Cupid curled up with a penny just so you can see the size.