Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Concerts and an art show

     It has been a little while since I have gotten the chance to sit down and write, I have been busy preparing for an art show this weekend where three of my works will be displayed. I am so excited and honored to have my art shown to the public and I cannot wait to see all the cool things other people have made, I will be sure to take lots of pictures for the blog! Saturday afternoon I am also performing a flute solo (the song is called Fantaisie Pastorale Hongroise by Doppler) and then I am playing in a flute choir with other kids who are in my band class at school.  Even more exciting, Sunday evening the orchestra I am in is doing a combined concert with the Orlando Philharmonic; It has really been an inspirational couple of weeks for me being able to practice along side with professional musicians. Although it has been stressful at times and so much work I think it has all been worth it. Besides all of this chaos going on track season has also started (which means 9 mile trails everyday and sprints), and I have joined a Wednesday night pottery class where I am learning how to work the wheel. Hopefully I can get through the next few days and I can get some good photos to update the blog.      Best wishes! - Heidi


  1. I love that you make bears from fur and find it really hard. I thought I was going crazy I find it to be BRUTAL!! But..if you can get them to turn out its WAY worth it. Your bears are fantastic and it doesn't look like you have trouble with anything. Good luck at the art show and thanks for the inspiration and encouragement

  2. Thank you so much Klintzfamily Bears, your kind words have made my day :) !
